The Good Shepherd -free translation of the poem “Blandul Pastor” by Traian Dorz
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 04/12/2017
The Good Shepherd -free translation of the poem “Blandul Pastor” by Traian Dorz

I saw Him passing by my side,
The Gentle Shepherd slowly cried,
“My flock, I give you everything,
Eternal Spring, Eternal Spring”.

And when a sheep was sad and down,
He lovely smiled without a frown,
Then took her in His loving arms,
Away from harm, Away from harm.

One day, a lamb was very sick,
He cared for him gently and quick,
He’s The Good Shepherd, He has died,
For us His Bride, for us His Bride.

I met Him later at the cross,
Adorned with thorns, a crown from us,
Was made a murderer, a thief,
He bore our grief, He bore our grief.

“Forgive them, Father, please” … He prayed,
“I died for them, the price is paid”
The tears of Grace poured down His cheek,
He loves His sheep, He loves His sheep.

Marius Alexandru
A beautiful and creative translation. It is revealing literary talent and religious sensibility along with deep understanding of the gist of the original poem. Congratulations.
Adăugat în 04/12/2017 de marin2016
Adăugat în 09/03/2025 de mariusalex
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